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Broomfield Primary School

Late/Absence Procedures

  • Children should arrive every morning for the start of the school day at 08:40.


  • Children arriving between 08:50 and 09:10 in the morning will receive a late mark in the register using the L code.


  • Children arriving after 08:40 should report to the school office.


  • Children arriving after 09:10 should report to the school office and will be marked in the register with an U code.


  • Parents and carers must notify the school office by telephone or in person before 08:30 on the first day of their child’s absence.


  • If parents do not telephone the school they should expect a phone call from office staff after 09.15.


  • Parents must phone the school on Monday morning if their child is still absent after the weekend break.


  • Parents are expected to make contact with the school on each day that their child is absent.


  • Parents must ensure that:
  • If their child is experiencing difficulties in school which may lead to absence, they contact school staff to discuss concerns and find a resolution which prevents absences;


  • When school staff request medical evidence, such as appointment cards (to cover absences incurred as a result of attending GP or dentist appointments) or prescribed medication (to cover whole days of absence as a result of diagnosed illness) that such evidence is provided without delay to enable absences to be authorised;


  • Where a parent experiences difficulties obtaining medical evidence, school nursing services may be able to liaise with the relevant GP/medical practitioner to secure this evidence on behalf of the school. Parents will need to provide permission for information to be shared in this way;


  • Failure on the part of the parent to provide such medical evidence may result in absences being recorded as unauthorised and referral to the Missing Education and Child Employment Service will be considered.



  • Parents must only request leave if there are exceptional circumstances as family holidays will NOT be authorised under any circumstances. All requests must be made in writing at least 5 working days in advance, unless exceptional circumstances. Forms can be found in the school foyer or on the school website.


  • Sufficient notice must be given to enable the school to consider the request and write a response.


  • There is an expectation that families will work with school to resolve any attendance issues.



  • Pupils should speak with their Class Teacher/Headteacher if they have concerns that they wish to discuss and resolve.
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