School Start
School starts at 8:40am every morning. Staff complete accurate registers at the beginning of each morning and afternoon session, within 10 minutes of the start of the session. Children may come into school from 8:35am to be ready to learn.
Pupils arriving between 8:50am and 9:10am in the morning will receive a late mark in the register.
Registers are returned to the school office where administration staff check for any absence that the school has not been notified of.
Any pupil arriving after 8:40am will be required to enter school via the main entrance and report to the school office where their arrival will be logged together with the time and reason for lateness.
Pupils arriving after 9:10am will become an unauthorised absence.
Parents and carers are encouraged to notify the school office by telephone or in person before 8:30am on the first day of the child’s absence.
At 9:15am, office staff will telephone the family of any pupil whose absence has not been accounted for.
Parents are obliged to phone the school on Monday morning if their child is still absent after the weekend break.
All children have a 15 minute break in the morning. KS1 one at 10:25 and KS2 at 10:40.
Reception and KS1 lunch break starts at 11:45am and KS2 at 12:30pm.
All Foundation Stage and KS1 children are entitled to a free school meal every day.
School finishes at 3:10pm.